Category Archives: Jobe

Charity and Other Updates!

So many people over the past couple weeks have asked me if I’m riding the length of Africa for a cause, or raising donations, etc. Honestly, it feels disingenuous to say that I’m doing this for charity, because I’m not. It wasn’t something I thought of, I just really wanted to do an adventure like this! But, that said, it’s also a great opportunity to introduce people to a cause that’s close to my heart, and a disease that not many people are even aware exists.

My mom suffers from a rare and relatively untreatable (and uncureable) rheumatological disease called Scleroderma, which wikipedia defines as “a chronic systemic autoimmune disease (primarily of the skin -“derma”) characterized by fibrosis (or hardening -“sclero”), vascular alterations, and autoantibodies”… Basically it’s causing a hardening of tissues in her body (skin is the most obvious, but also heart, lung, intestinal tissues), causing other issues such as Pulmonary Hypertension, and other problems with drug interactions to treat that, etc etc.

Anyway, since people are asking, and this seems like a great medium to get more of a message out there about this disease, please feel free to make a donation to the Scleroderma Society of Canada if you’d like. 🙂

In other news, I’ve been training lots… 2-3 hours a day on the bike watching TV (getting boring though!)… and today I have an interview with CBC about my trip, hopefully to air this weekend. We’ll see! I have no idea what to expect here…

Been tough keeping weight on even with unlimited chips and ice cream and only 3 hours of biking a day… Going to be insane when that’s 5-12 hours and I don’t have ice cream, lol.


Thanks friends, more updates soon!

A Month to Go!

So today marks one month to go before my flight to Khartoum to begin the Tour!

Things I’ve finished:

  • Ethiopian Visa obtained! (just now as I started this) – The Ethiopian Consulate in Toronto is *closed*. The Ethiopian Embassy in Ottawa is the only option for this now in Canada.
  • New bike purchased (neither my carbon road bike or my full suspension were recommended for the tour by anyone). I ended up buying a Surly Long Haul Trucker, which though heavier than I’d’ve liked, it’s a solid reliable bike that should be easier to repair in the middle of no where (Africa). Steel welders can be found everywhere, I’m told. 🙂 Ordered a few sets of tires for the variety of conditions one might find in 11700km of Africa
  • Travel Health Insurance – Travel Guardian & Travel Underwriters.
  • Plane ticket purchased (Calgary to Khartoum via Toronto and Istanbul, January 5th!)
  • Hotel booked in Khartoum for the days before the tour.
  • Vaccinations (Meningitis, Hep A, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and Polio) – 4 shots in one day, including two in the muscle… Couldn’t lift that arm for at least 2 days, ouch. Got my Yellow Fever card which is required to get into some countries that care about that sort of thing.
  • Requested previous vaccination report… I know I got Tetantus/Diptheria 2 years ago when I cut my leg on a friend’s skate during a hockey game (lol), but I don’t know about Hep B. Probably in High School. Waiting to hear back.
  • Paid Tour d’Afrique Inc for the Tour – Ouch, my bank account. 🙁
  • Got prescription for general antibiotics, cholera medication, and two types of Malaria pills. I need to look into this further. One’s definitely more recommended than the other, but the highly recommended one is about $70/12 days compared to $100/100 days or something. Making total costs $800+ or $150ish. Must investigate drug plan, actual exact costs, side effects, etc.
  • Lots of lying awake thinking about things too much.

Things I need to look into soon:

  • The two weeks at the end of my trip, I’d really like to goto Rwanda and see Gorillas. Need ideas about that before I leave at a minimum, or possibly even booking something.
  • There’s a 3 day break on the Tour in Tanzania near the Ngorongoro Crater, where there’s a number of awesome Safari options. Need to figure out how people on previous tours booked something during this time. Possibly book my own things.
  • Flying to Rwanda from Cape Town
  • Packing Lists times a billion
  • They suggest multiple bags to keep everything separate in the lockers, have to look into these.
  • More batteries? What electronics to bring? What am I going to do re cameras?
  • Spare parts for the bike
  • SIM cards and Cell phone frequencies there
  • Plug standards
  • Books to bring
  • Should I bring pencils for kids in Ethiopia? Or try and outrun the rocks they throw? Possibly both?
  • Apps to blog on the run without internet
  • Texting home to Canada
  • Registering @ for being out of country… Need solider dates of border crossings. Swore I saw an itinerary somewhere.
  • Where to find 100% DEET juice
  • Setup my tent to make sure it’s got all the parts.
  • Find a footprint for tent
  • Like a billion more things I can only think of at 2am