So at Victoria Falls we did a booze cruise and I got drunk and everyone convinced me to stay on until Maun. So I did. One last country with the tour, Botswana!
We started out with a sketchy ferry ride… I didn’t ride because my day two plan was 172 km on one of the African bikes… I have no idea why I thought this was a good plan… But this was what I wanted to do! I did not manage it. After 65 km into even the slightest headwind we had, I was done. Justin took over for the 10 km into lunch and then I borrowed Brad’s bike (Thanks Brad!!) for the rest of the day.
It took all day to see an elephant on the Elephant Highway, but we did! At the end, and then again in camp! Very cool! We saw even more the next day riding in the truck to Nata.
One thing about the tour, they love staying outside of towns. We never stay in a town, it’s always 5-10 km away… making it impossible to buy anything quickly… :S
Anyways, after Nata I did a big run in the morning, letting the trucks catch me at 19 km where I jumped on… then went on to camp. The 5th day I didn’t ride… 1 out of 5 isn’t bad, right? lol.
At least the elephants were exciting!!
It was sad saying bye to everyone, but it was definitely my time to go… Off to Cape Town!
First few km out of Vic Falls, we blow an axle on the trailer…Lining up for the sketch ferry from Zambia to Botswana.Jennilea and Sandro saved this Chameleon from certain drowning… And then Michael adopted him.Myself and a gator! Er, crocodile.Monkeys!Crocodile!Birds of a feather..Fish EagleFish Eagle on the hunt… for these goslings.More giraffe! Doesn’t get old!Eagle town!Then our boat dies.Pull start isn’t working either…Riding the African bike! Not with Michael on it though, oh man, I wouldn’t’ve made it 20 km!Caution, Elephants!Caution, Elephants!Caution, Elephants!Weeeee!This was more comfortable for Justin given how tall he is!Bina riding!Sorghum crops! Remember sorghum from Sudan?Elephant on the road sighting!Daryl, our Elephant whisperer.Elephant in camp!Too cool!Baobab tree!How appropriate, Baobab Planet, a hotel/restaurant to break up our day.It was nice here!Burning garbage, a tradition at TDA, a sport in Pennsylvania.Going away drinks!Birgit got me a coke hippo, in memory of all our coke stops and seeing hippos together! Awwww! Thanks Birgit!Staff Appreciation breakfast!Making Bacon Pancakes! (ok maybe not bacon)I’m leaving, on a jet plane… don’t know when I’ll be back again…Table Mountain! Cape Town!! 😀 Blogs about that later.